Past lives astrology chart
Past lives astrology chart

past lives astrology chart

Quite frequently a past life memory may be accessed through a simple exercise that has no relevance to the person’s current life, yet the story that emerges contains a complex past life character and scenario that are symbolized by the karmic axis in the chart. Other methods are quite freeform and allow past life memories to surface at random, without an individualized induction at all. Some of these methods use current life affect as a starting point (usually irrational fears, repeating emotional and mental patterns, stuck points, illness or body symptoms to name a few) and follow it backwards to possible past life origins. In Deep Memory Process there are a variety of ways past life memories are accessed. What I have also found interesting is that regardless of the manner of induction of the past life memory, the stories that arise also confine themselves to the karmic axis in the chart. But anyone with a basic knowledge of how the archetypes are represented, even in current life circumstances, will see the logic of the correlations. Some of the correlations I make in the presented stories here are based on the knowledge of how that archetype has acted for several cases, not just this one individual. I am working on a book based on this research. Over the years, I have been able to make correlations from the stories to the charts which has given me quite a database of past life imprints and circumstances organized by archetype.

past lives astrology chart

What I have noted in the many cases I have, is that with consistency, the past life memories of the clients do confine themselves to the symbols and archetypes in the natal chart that are ascribed to the ‘karmic axis’ by Evolutionary Astrology. Some of this is briefly visited in the case study, but cannot be covered in depth here. There are other rules of particular aspects to the nodes, such as squares that modify the way they have acted as past life symbols. The ruler of the south node (SN) is also included by planet, house and sign, and aspects to all these symbols combined make up the ‘karmic axis’ or karmic signature in the chart. The symbols that are primary in Evolutionary Astrology for understanding this history of the soul are Pluto and the south node (by house and sign).

past lives astrology chart

What they both work with directly are these core complexes and the evolution beyond them, as intended by the soul. This is why the paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology and this style of past life therapy – Deep Memory Process – dovetail so perfectly. Coincidently this is also the basic tenant of Evolutionary Astrology, which aims to understand the individual expression of the soul’s experiences through its previous incarnations, the kinds of karmas it is conditioned by, the types of wounds it reincarnates with in order to heal, and the evolutionary intention in the current life. Regression therapy in the way we practice and teach it is a cathartic model of therapy designed to get to the core karmic complexes rapidly and thoroughly so that they may be revealed and healed. What will be shown in this article, from a case study is how the past life stories that arise in regression therapy relate to the natal chart. It happened quite by coincidence that I started to notice what was taught in Evolutionary Astrology was what I had seen in past life regression and that the charts of clients substantiated these observations. In my own working with charts, I found that the system, the methods and the underlying philosophy of Evolutionary Astrology are the most comprehensive astrological understanding of these past life dynamics. I have been able to correlate these past life stories back to the natal charts of subjects, and have found that these cases vividly illustrate both the dynamics of past life psychology and its application to Evolutionary Astrology. As a student of Evolutionary Astrology, a karmic astrologer, past life therapist and chief trainer in a leading international training program for regression therapists, I have accumulated several hundred cases of regressions I have performed, and also those from students working with each other and other practitioners working with clients. For the past six years I have been working with the astrological chart in conjunction with past life regression therapy.

Past lives astrology chart